Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekend 3: Lushoto

This weekend, we decided to go to Lushoto, which is a town high up in the West Usambara Mountains. It was very nice to be at higher elevation where it was cooler- I actually felt cold for once in a very long while! While there, we did some long, pretty hikes through the mountains to see the Magamba Rainforest and to the Irente Viewpoint which overlooks the valley and plains below the Usambaras. From this high up, we were able to see very far into the horizon. We had lunch at a farm near the viewpoint, which makes fresh cheese, jams, and bread. It was delicious! That night, we went out to a pub that was recommended by our guide where we were by far the most popular people there. At first it was amusing, but quickly became annoying. Then, when we left to go back to the hotel, we found that the front door was locked up and so we had to scale the garden fence to get back to our rooms. The next day, we went on a hike to a waterfall, which reminded me a lot of Step Falls in Maine. It was a nice hike, followed by a local lunch at the infamous pub. We then caught the bus back to Muheza, and went out for chipsi-mayai.

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